


A5C-37, Janakpuri,New Delhi, 110058-India

Terms & Conditions

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Terms of Booking & Cancellation

  • The rates if quoted in INR for any overseas tour are calculated as per the ROE prevailing on that day, any fluctuation in ROE leads to a change in price, which will be borne by the client at the time of final payment.
  • The rates quoted are always subject to change without prior warning, should there be any increases in bed levies, airfares, park fees, fuel, sales tax or VAT, Third Party Services, exchange rate fluctuations or any other circumstances beyond our control for services featured in this quote.
  • Confirmation of the hotels/services is initiated only upon receiving the formal acceptance of quotes.
  • In case there are any surcharges applicable for the required dates, we'll be able to advise the same only at the time of confirmation as the quote might not apply to certain block-out dates falling over Christmas, New Year, or during special events taking place in certain cities or regions, and it is not limited to the above; applicable surcharges may occur at the time of booking and confirmation.
  • If the above-mentioned Hotels are not available, the same category Hotels will be provided, in case of non-availability the same alternate will be informed then.
  • Times on itineraries provided and/or guide instructions have to be adhered to. Suppliers and we cannot be held responsible if Pax does not adhere to such timings instructions. If any tour/activity/flight is missed due to any delay from the client’s end, no refunds will be provided and alternative arrangements will be at an extra cost to be borne by the client.
  • Depending on flight arrival times, traffic holdups outside of our control or delays caused by clients not adhering to set departure times, it might not be possible to fit in certain visits, in which case the transport section (and in some cases also the entrance fees) will not be refundable.
  • All/any expenses passengers might incur due to circumstances beyond our control, such as flight cancellation/delays, accidents of any nature, bad weather, natural calamities, medical evacuation, supplier policies, etc. are for their account. It is suggested that clients take out travel insurance. We merely act as a service broker and do not accept any liability.

    In the unlikely event of there being an unscheduled extension to the holiday caused by flight delays, bad weather, strikes, epidemic, pandemic or any other cause which is beyond the control of Wander Vacanza, it is understood that the expenses relating to these unscheduled extensions, (hotel accommodation etc.), will be for the account of the client. Wander Vacanza accepts no liability for changes, omissions or delays before or during any holiday occasioned by technical difficulties, weather conditions, strikes communication breakdowns or the like.


  • Upon booking a deposit of 25% of the total Land Package cost & 100% of the flight cost (if flights are booked through us) is immediately payable to us. Final payment is due no less than 30 days before arrival.
  • Full payment is due immediately for all bookings made less than 30 Days before arrival.
  • We accept Cash, Bank transfers, Credit card payments or cash deposited into one of our bank accounts, subject to the condition that such payment has been confirmed as received by ourselves.
  • All Bank charges are to be borne by the clients.
  • A bank service fee of 3% on all credit card payments which is to be borne by the clients.
  • Failure to make the payment on the due date will result in the cancellation of reservations, and forfeiture of deposits and will result in cancellation fees.
  • In case of billing errors, the Operator reserves the right to re-invoice.
  • In case of dishonoured cheques, issued by the Customer in favour of the Operator, the concerned Customer has to pay INR. 1000/- for every such dishonour and in addition the Operator reserves the right to take necessary legal action in respect of dishonoured cheques as may be advised.

    All Cancellations are valid only when communicated in writing to the Operator in Electronic form on the Company’s Email for the record. The Customer shall pay the cancellation charges as follows.

  • More than 45 days before Tour Departure CANCELLATION CHARGES will be 25% Booking Amount
  • 44 to 30 days before Tour Departure CANCELLATION CHARGES will be 50% Booking Amount
  • 29 to 15 days before Tour Departure CANCELLATION CHARGES will be 75% Booking Amount
  • Less than 15 days before departure or no show CANCELLATION CHARGES will be 100% Booking Amount
    • The above cancellation policy is not valid in the case of Non-refundable services.
    • A transfer from one tour to another or a change of departure date before the departure will be treated as cancellation on one tour and booking on another and hence will attract the applicable cancellation charges.
    • In some cases, more strict cancellation conditions apply, travel arrangements in these cases are subject to booking conditions and cancellation provisions of the supplier.
    • No refunds will be given by Wander Vacanza for no-shows.
    • The payment of bank fees for credit card payments and/or bank transfers are the responsibility of the customer and are strictly non-refundable.
    • In the case of death or serious illness, special cancellation terms can be negotiated if Wander Vacanza is presented with an officially approved death/sickness certificate, this may not always result in a refund and is subject to our supplies or independent contractor’s terms and conditions.
    • All refunds will be processed after three weeks after receiving a written email request from your end. In some cases, it might take a few more days depending on the case.
    • In cases of cancellation/postponement of the confirmed tours due to any restrictions, it will be determined on a case-to-case basis & a credit note shall be provided by Wander Vacanza. However, if you would like to cancel the trip, the booking amount shall be forfeited and the balance will be refunded to your account.


    Force Majeure means those circumstances where the performance of our deal with you is prevented or affected by reasons of war, the threat of war, civil strife, industrial dispute, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, adverse weather conditions, government actions and all similar events beyond our control. In these circumstances, Wander Vacanza shall not be liable for any compensation or otherwise responsible for any expenses or losses the client might incur.


    Should a problem occur, please advise both Wander Vacanza and the service supplier in question immediately, as most problems can be solved on the spot. Should you remain dissatisfied, please write to us setting out the complaint in detail within 30 days of the end of our services under the contract. Wander Vacanza cannot accept responsibility for any complaints that are not notified entirely by this clause. Should any legal dispute arise, it must be settled in Delhi depending on which Wander Vacanza booking office(s) was/were used for the rendered services.